About Dorian

I am a photographer by choice and profession and the camera is my eye on the world. That I am a passionate mountaineer and traveler to remote places is reflected in my work. You will find stark landscapes and rugged mountain ridges captured in my photos but also hauntingly beautiful coastlines. Through my photos I want to share what I have seen and experienced in the great wide open, in close contact with nature, during fascinating encounters. For shooting such pictures I am prepared to go to the limit - far above and beyond the familiar horizon, if necessary. Being somewhat athletic definitely helps to get the job done.

I was born on March 1st, 1982, in small-town Starnberg, close to the Alps. My grandfather took me up to the mountains from an early age. I loved it and so did my twin brother Adrian. We both liked to be out in the open and enjoyed the fresh air and the particular play of light and shadow among the mountaintops. So it is probably not a coincidence that both Adrian and I became photographers, "drawing with light", as the Greek roots of the word imply. You may want to take a look at my twinbrother's amazing work on his website.

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